9.00am |
Plenary 1: Welcome & Opening |
9.15am |
Plenary 2: Modelica Highlights and Future Directions |
9.30am |
Keynote 1: Requirements for the Simulation of Complex Heterogeneous Systems |
10.15am |
Automotive 1: |
Energy 1: Power Plants and Energy Conversion 1 |
Optimization 1:
Optimization |
Symbolic 1:
Symbolic |
12.00pm |
FMI 1: Functional Mockup Interface 1 |
Mechanical: |
Language 1:
Language, Tools and Algorithms 1 |
Electrical 1:
1.50pm |
Automotive 2: |
Language 2: Language, Tools and Algorithms 2 |
Fluid 1: |
Building: |
Automotive 3: |
FMI 2: Functional Mockup Interface 2 |
Energy 2: Power Plants and Energy Conversion 2 |
Electrical 2: |
5.20pm |
6.15pm |
8.00pm |
Conference Dinner |
8.30am |
Keynote 2: A Decade of Industrial-Strength Modelica Use and Future Challenges |
9.30am |
Automotive 4: |
Fluid 2: |
FMI 3: Functional Mockup Interface 3 |
Language 3: Language, Tools and Algorithms 3 |
11.40am |
Embedded: Embedded Systems, Realtime and others |
Energy 3: Power Plants and Energy Conversion 3 |
Language 4: Language, Tools and Algorithms 4 |
Symbolic 2: Symbolic and Numerical Methods 2 |
3.30pm |
Plenary 3: Award Ceremony and Closing Conference |