Automotive 4: Automotive 4

Chair: Hubertus Tummescheit

The Vehicle Dynamics Library: New Concepts and New Fields of Application

Andreasson, Johan; Modelon AB

Modeling and Simulation of Gear Pumps based on Modelica/MWorks

Zhao, Yan; Zhou, Fanli; Chen, Liping; Zhao, Jianjun Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Tian, Xianzhao; Suzhou Tongyuan Software & Control Tech. Co.

Modeling and Simulation Vehicle Air Brake System

He, Li; Wang, Xiaolong; Wu, Jinglai; Zhang, Yunqing; Chen, Liping; Huazhong University of Science and Technology

A Modelica Library for Simulation of Electric Energy Storages

Einhorn, Markus; Conte, Fiorentino Valerio; Kral, Christian; Popp, H.; Niklas, C.; AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Fleig, Jürgen; Vienna University of Technology

Fluid 2: Fluid 2

Chair: Gerhard Schmitz

Implementation of a transmission line model for fast simulation of fluid flow dynamics

Velut, Stephane; Tummescheit, Hubertus; Modelon AB

Fluid Simulation and Optimization using Open Source Tools

Link, Kilian; Vogel, Stephanie; Siemens AG
Mynttinen, Ines Technical University Ilmenau

Modeling of hydraulic axial piston pumps including specific signs of wear and tear

Bayer, Christian; Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf; Fraunhofer IIS, Division EAS

Detailed Model of a Hydromechanical Double Clutch Actuator with a Suitable Control Algorithm

Nowoisky, Sebastian; Shen, Chi; Gühmann, Clemens; Berlin University of Technology

FMI 3: Functional Mockup Interface 3

Chair: Martin Otter

Nonlinear Observers based on the Functional Mockup Interface with Applications to Electric Vehicles

Brembeck, Jonathan; Otter, Martin; Zimmer, Dirk; DLR

Combining Advantages of Specialized Simulation Tools and Modelica Models using Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)

Sun, Yongqi; Vogel, Stephanie; Steuer, Haiko; Siemens AG

Experiences with the new FMI Standard - Selected Applications at Dresden University

Schubert, Christian; Kunze, Günter; Dresden University of Technology
Neidhold, Thomas; ITI GmbH

Symbolically Derived Jacobians Using Automatic Differentiation - Enhancement of the OpenModelica Compiler

Braun, Willi; Ochel, Lennart; Bachmann, Bernhard; University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld

Language 3: Language, Tools and Algorithms 3

Chair: Peter Fritzson

Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling and Simulation with Modelica

Henriksson, Dan; Elmqvist, Hilding; Dassault Systèmes AB

Bootstrapping a Modelica Compiler aiming at Modelica 4

Sjölund, Martin; Fritzson, Peter; Pop, Adrian; Linköping University

A Scade Suite to Modelica Interface

Schlabe, Daniel; Bünte, Tilman; DLR, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
Knostmann, Tobias; Esterel Technologies GmbH

Towards a model driven Modelica IDE

Samlaus, Roland; Hillmann, Claudio; Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology
Demuth, Birgit; Krebs, Martin; Dresden University of Technology

Posters: Poster Session

On using model approximation techniques for better understanding of models implemented in Modelica

Sodja, Anton; Zupancic, Borut; University of Ljubljana

Simulation-Based Design of Aircraft Electrical Power Systems

Kurtoglu, Tolga; Bunus, Peter; De Kleer, Johan; Palo Alto Research Center
Rai, Rahul; California State University

HumMod - Large Scale Physiological Models in Modelica

Kofránek, Jiri; Mateják, Marek; Privitzer, Pavol; Charles University

Modeling and Simulation of Heavy Truck with MWorks

Sun, Ying; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Yunqing; Chen, Liping; Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Object-Oriented Electrical Grid and Photovoltaic system modelling in Modelica

Verbruggen, Bart; Van Roy, Juan; Baetens, Ruben; Helsen, Lieve; Driesen, Johan; K.U.Leuven
De Coninck, Roel; K.U.Leuven; 3E

An Open Source Modelica Graphic Editor Integrated with Electronic Notebooks and Interactive Simulation

Asghar, Syed Adeel; Tariq, Sonia; Torabzadeh-Tari, Mohsen; Fritzson, Peter; Pop, Adrian; Sjölund, Martin; Linköping University
Vasaiely, Parham; Schamai, Wladimir; EADS Innovation Works

Functional Digital Mock-up and the Functional Mock-up Interface - Two Complementary Approaches for a Comprehensive Investigation of Heterogeneous Systems

Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf; Clauß, Christoph; Schneider, André; Schneider, Peter; Fraunhofer IIS, Division EAS

Towards Design Optimization with OpenModelica Emphasizing Parameter Optimization with Genetic Algorithms

Thieriot, Hubert; Nemer, Maroun; Center For Energy and Processes, MINES ParisTech
Torabzadeh-Tari, Mohsen; Fritzson, Peter; Linköping University
Singh, Rajiv; Kocherry, John John; Evonik Energy Services

From Physical Modeling to Real-Time Simulation: Feedback on the use of Modelica in the engine control development toolchain

Benjelloun-Touimi, Zakia; Ben Gaid, Mongi; Bohbot, Julien; Hadj-Amor, Hassan; Moulin, Philippe; Pernet, Nicolas; IFP Energies nouvelles
Dutoya, Alain; INCKA SA
Saafi, Houssem; Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse

UN-VirtualLab: A web simulation environment of OpenModelica models for educational purposes

Duarte, Oscar G.; Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Extending the IPG CarMaker by FMI compliant Units

Ziegler, Stephan; Höpler, Robert; Modelon GmbH

Minimal Equation Sets for Output Computation in Object-Oriented Models

Manzoni, Vincenzo; Casella, Francesco; Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano

Optimization example of industrial sewing machines mechanisms

Votrubec, Vlastimil; Šidlof, Pavel; VÚTS, a.s.

Automatic Generation of Graphical User Interfaces for Simulation of Modelica Models

Schlegel, Clemens; Schlegel Simulation GmbH
Finsterwalder, Reinhard; Universität der Bundeswehr München

DrControl – An Interactive Course Material for Teaching Control Engineering

Torabzadeh-Tari, Mohsen; Sjölund, Martin; Pop, Adrian; Fritzson, Peter; Linköping University

Modelica Simulator Compatibility - Today and in Future

Frochte, Jörg; Hochschule Bochum

A modelica model of thermal and mechanical phenomena in bare overhead conductors

Duarte, Oscar G.; Hochschule Bochum

Modeling and Simulation of AMT With MWorks

Jiang, Ming; Zhou, Jiangang; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Yunqing; Chen, Liping; Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Variability and Type Calculation for Equation of Modelica model

Tang, Junjie; Ding, Jianwan; Chen, Liping; Gong, Xiong; Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Shock absorber modeling and simulation based on modelica

Hou, Yuming; Li, Lingyang; He, Ping; Zhang, Yunqing; Chen, Liping; Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Integrating occupant behaviour in the simulation of coupled electric and thermal systems in buildings

Baetens, Ruben; Saelens, Dirk; K.U.Leuven

Model Based Systems Engineering for Aircraft Systems - How does Modelica Based Tools Fit?

Lind, Ingela; Andersson, Henric; SAAB Aeronautics

Productivity improvement tool for configuration of Modelica plant models and integration with Simulink controller models

Jeganathan, Emerson Jacob; Pitchaikani, Anand; Dharumaseelan, Elavarasan; LMS Emmeskay Solutions Private Limited

Embedded: Embedded Systems, Realtime and others

Chair: Peter Schneider

Tool Support for Modelica Real-time Models

Huhn, Michaela; Chen, Wuzhu; Schulze, Christian; Clausthal University of Technology
Sjölund, Martin; Fritzson, Peter; Linköping University

High-speed train pneumatic braking system with wheel-slide protection device: a modelling application from system design to HIL testing

Belmon, Lionel; Chen, Liu; Global Crown Technology

An Advanced Environment for Hybrid Modeling and Parameter Identification of Biological Systems

Proß, Sabrina; Bachmann, Bernhard; University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld

Modelling of a Chemical Reactor for Simulation of a Methanisation Plant

Bader, André; Bauersfeld, Sindy; Meyer, Bernd; Pardemann, R.; Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Brunhuber, Christian; Siemens AG

Energy 3: Power Plants and Energy Conversion 3

Chair: Kilian Link

Modelling of System Properties in a Modelica Framework

Jardin, Audrey; Bouskela, Daniel; Nguyen, Thuy; Ruel, Nancy; EDF Research and Development
Thomas, Eric; Chastanet, Laurent; Dassault-Aviation
Schoenig, Raphaël; Loembé, Sandrine; Dassault-Systèmes

Dynamic modeling of a solid oxide fuel cell system in Modelica

Andersson, Daniel; Åberg, Erik; Eborn, Jonas; Modelon AB
Yuan, Jinliang; Sundén, Bengt; Lund University

The OnWind Modelica Library for Offshore Wind Turbines - Implementation and first results

Strobel, Michael; Vorpahl, Fabian; Hillmann, Claudio; Gu, Xin; Zuga, Adam; Wihlfahrt, Urs; Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology

Modeling of Gas-Particle-Flow and Heat Radiation in Steam Power Plants

Gall, Leo; Link, Kilian; Steuer, Haiko; Siemens AG

Language 4: Language, Tools and Algorithms 4

Chair: Peter Pepper

Inclusion of Reliability and Safety Analysis Methods in Modelica

Schallert, Christian; DLR

Error-free control programs by means of graphical program design, simulation-based verification and automatic code generation

Seidel, Stephan; Donath, Ulrich; Fraunhofer IIS, Division EAS

Enforcing Reliability of Discrete-Time Models in Modelica

Furic, Sébastien; LMS Imagine

Effective Version Control of Modelica Models

Harman, Peter; deltatheta UK Ltd.

Symbolic 2: Symbolic and Numerical Methods 2

Chair: Hans Olsson

Automated Simulation of Modelica Models with QSS Methods - The Discontinuous Case

Floros, Xenofon; François E. Cellier; ETH Zurich
Bergero, Federico; Kofman, Ernesto; Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Auto-Extraction of Modelica Code from Finite Element Analysis or Measurement Data

Pham, The-Quan; OptiY e.K.
Neubert, Holger; Kamusella, Alfred; Dresden University of Technology

Modelling of uncertainties with Modelica

Bouskela, Daniel; Jardin, Audrey; EDF Research and Development
Benjelloun-Touimi, Zakia; IFP Energies nouvelles
Aronsson, Peter; MathCore Engineering
Fritzson, Peter; Linköping University

Recording of Model Frequency Responses and Describing Functions in Modelica

Bünte, Tilman; DLR